Posts tagged : "Society"


The Popularity of Consumerist Culture Imported from the West

The Popularity of Consumerist Culture Imported from the West

  Kourosh Ziabari - Prof. Zygmunt Bauman is a world-renowned, award-winning sociologist, philosopher and historian. He was born on November 19, 1925 in Poland and has been living in the UK since 1971. He is an emeritus professor at the University of Leeds and is best known for his work on modernity's struggle with ambiguity, postmodern ethics and consumerism. He is influenced by such people as Max Weber, Jacques Derrida and Anthony Giddens. The Guardian described Bauman as “one of the world’s most influential sociologists.” “The rising popularity of the consumerist life-model has been imported from the West or rather imposed by the globalization of Western standards... conspicuous consumption had been cut off from the...

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Average American knows very little about daily life in Iran

Average American knows very little about daily life in Iran

Kourosh Ziabari - American journalist and photographer Nile Bowie believes that the reality of Iran is absolutely different from what the Western mainstream media portray of it. "I would stress that Iran is an extremely safe country to travel through, and anyone who visits will certainly leave with more accurate perceptions than what Western media attempts to depict," he said in an interview with Tehran Times. Based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nile Bowie writes for the Canadian Center for Research on Globalization. Last week, Bowie and a group of American tourists traveled to Iran to visit the country's different cities, historical villages and cultural sites. He took numerous pictures of Iran and provided us with some of them for...

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Happy 2013!

Happy 2013!

2012 came to an end with all of its turbulence, anxieties, fears and hopes. Our world experienced determining and crucial moments in this year and the consequences of many important events which took place in 2012 still continue to affect our lives. The boiling Middle East has been engulfed in battles and conflicts which have deprived our region of peace and tranquility. Thousands of innocent citizens lost their lives in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Syria. The final days of the year also heralded a painful and heartrending incident which shocked the whole world: the Sandy Hook School massacre in the U.S. state of Connecticut in which 26 innocent children were brutally slaughtered by a mentally retarded boy who couldn't tolerate the...

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Connecticut tragedy remembered: what should be done?

Connecticut tragedy remembered: what should be done?

Kourosh Ziabari - The fatal shooting of December 14 at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut which claimed the lives of 28 people, including 20 innocent children under 10 once again brought to light the dilemma of gun ownership in the United States and despite the fact that it received no response from the gun rights advocates but a deafening silence, laid emphasis on the necessity for the United States to revise its gun policies. The shooting rampage, in which a mentally disordered, heavily-armed 20-year-old boy named Adam Peter Lanza opened fire on the innocent schoolchildren and school staff was so tragic and heartbreaking that many leaders of the world, including the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad didn’t hesitate to...

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