Posts tagged : "anti-Iran sanctions"


Iran has three options to restore the value of national currency

Iran has three options to restore the value of national currency

  Kourosh Ziabari - Targeted with the biting sanctions of the United States and European Union over its nuclear program, Iran's economy is experiencing difficult and breathtaking days. The import of vital goods, including medicine and foodstuff is being impeded, the energy, insurance, transportation and industrial companies are unable to smoothly do business with their foreign counterparts and their financial transactions have been obstructed and the price of goods increases on a daily basis. Prof. Steve H. Hanke, Professor of Applied Economics at the Johns Hopkins University believes that Iran is facing hyperinflation, with a monthly inflation rate of nearly 70% per month and its national currency, rial, has lost its value...

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Yes; they have even banned medicine and foodstuff

Yes; they have even banned medicine and foodstuff

Kourosh Ziabari - The fact that the inhumane sanctions of the United States and its European allies against Iran are taking a heavy toll on the ordinary Iranians is still hard to believe for many Western citizens who suppose that their governments are sincere in their claims of being concerned for human rights and freedom. In different articles, I've pointed out this fact that the economic sanctions against Iran have become so intensive and rigorous that they have nothing to do with Iran's nuclear program anymore; rather, they are aimed at paralyzing the daily life of the innocent civilians in the country with the ultimate goal of persuading them to revolt against the government to protest the deteriorating living conditions, hence...

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Four myths about Iran which need to be debunked

Four myths about Iran which need to be debunked

Kourosh Ziabari - It’s not my words, but I’ve learnt it from tens of foreign tourists, journalists and academicians who have traveled to Iran in the recent years, that Iran is the most misrepresented and misunderstood country in the world. In a concerted and mischievous attempt, the world’s mainstream media have started to pull out all the stops in order to portray Iran a dangerous, abnormal, weird and horrible country which is seeking to develop nuclear weapons in order to annihilate Israel. Iranians are brazenly depicted as fanatics, terrorists and uncivilized people and the whole Iran is shown as an out-of-the-way desert in which no trace of civilization, urban life and modernity can be found. Demonizing and isolating Iran...

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Iranian people suffer through what Western diplomats enjoy

Iranian people suffer through what Western diplomats enjoy

  Kourosh Ziabari - Iran’s nuclear program seems to have reached a dead end. Iranian officials have politically invested a lot on the country’s nuclear program, which was initially set in motion 6 decades ago when President Dwight D. Eisenhower decided to help his close friend Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi construct the first nuclear reactors in Iran, and it seems to be embarrassing for the Iranian government to announce out of the blue that they don’t want to pursue nuclear technology anymore, which will give the West a pretext to launch a new psychological war against Tehran and trumpet this victory that it has retreated from its position. And from the other hand, the obdurate United States and its European allies have not...

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Interview with Glenn Greenwald

Interview with Glenn Greenwald

The U.S. and Israel have made a joke of the Security Council: Glenn Greenwald   Kourosh Ziabari - Glenn Greenwald is a prominent American journalist, author, lawyer and blogger. His writings and articles have appeared on several newspapers and magazines including The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, The American Conservative, The National Interest and In These Times. Greenwald has received different awards including the first Izzy Award for independent journalism in 2009, and the 2010 Online Journalism Award for Best Commentary. Until a few months ago, he was a columnist and blogger for, but he left his job there and continued cooperating with The Guardian newspaper which he has been contributing to since...

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